Photo by Andrea Piacquadio (PixelBay)

H₂O - How Staying Hydrated can help you Slay The Day!

Here at UPLOAD we know what its like to be a busy bee – crushing deadlines, conquering commutes, and leaving your mark on the world. But let's face it, even hustlers need to stay hydrated! Water makes up a whopping 60% of our body weight, so it's no surprise that proper hydration is key to both physical and mental performance.

Think of your body like a high-powered computer. Water acts as the cooling system, keeping things running smoothly. Dehydration, on the other hand, can be like running low on RAM – things overheat, slow down, focus gets fuzzy, and you might even experience headaches (source: The British Journal of Nutrition [1]).

So, how much of this magical elixir (water) do you really need? While the exact amount can vary depending on individual factors, a good general guideline for adults is to drink around six to eight glasses (or two liters) of fluids per day. This recommendation comes from the NHS [1].. However, factors like activity level, climate (even in the UK), and even your diet can influence your individual needs.

Here's the fun part: staying hydrated can actually boost your brainpower! Research published in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society [3] suggests that even mild dehydration can impair cognitive function. So, the next time you're facing a brainstorming session or tackling a tough report, reach for your water bottle – it might just be your secret weapon!

Feeling parched? Here are some tips to keep your H2-O game strong:

  • Carry a reusable water bottle: Having it by your side acts as a constant reminder to sip and will save on plastic waste.
  • Infuse your water: Liven things up with slices of fruit, cucumber, or herbs.
  • Download a hydration app: These can track your intake and send you friendly nudges.
  • Set water goals: Break down your daily intake into smaller, achievable targets.

Remember, staying hydrated isn't just about chugging liters of water all at once. Consistent, mindful sipping throughout the day is the key to unlocking the power of water and maximizing your professional prowess. So, ditch the sugary drinks, grab your water bottle, and get ready to dominate your day!



Photo credit - by Andrea Piacquadio:

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